Important Documents
Historic flow data – releases to Putah Creek from Lake Solano – daily average cfs 1958-2022
2022 Lower Putah Creek PEIR (update from 2016)
Chinook Salmon in Putah Creek, Spring, Report to LPCCC. Small, Crain, and Moyle, 2004
Subsidized Food Webs: Isotopic Tracking of Trophic Interactions and Riparian Songbird Ecology, PhD Dissertation. Walsh, 2018
Results of October 2017 lower Putah Creek fish surveys. Normandeau Associates, 2018
LPCCC Report to Community. EDAW, 2006 (Pamphlet)
Example of LPCCC Board Meetings Pattern Calendar. Marovich, 2015
Vol 1: Putah Creek Terrestrial Wildlife and Vegetation Monitoring Program Comprehensive Report 1997-2009. UCDavis Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology. Truan, et al. 2010
Vol 2 Maps: Putah Creek Terrestrial Wildlife and Vegetation Monitoring Program Comprehensive Report 1997-2009. UCDavis Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology. Truan, et al. 2010
Results of October 2014 lower Putah Creek fish surveys. Normandeau, 2015
Gravel and Temperatures Studies of Lower Putah Creek. Yates, 2003
Lower Putah Creek Watershed Management Action Plan (WMAP) Proposed Projects. EDAW, 2008
Lower Putah Creek Watershed Management Action Plan (WMAP) Phase I – Resource Assessments. EDAW, 2005
Lower Putah Creek Watershed Management Action Plan (WMAP) Phase I – Resource Assessment: MAPS. EDAW, 2005
Measured and Simulated Temperatures in Putah Creek, Yolo and Solano Counties, California. Jones and Stokes, 1996
Lower Putah Creek Watershed Plan Priority Project Task 3: Performance Measurement and Adaptation, Grant Report. UCD Museum of Wildlfie and Fish Biology, 2015
US Army Corps of Engineers Reconnaissance Report, Winters and Vicinity, CA, Vol 2, Appecdix A, Section on Dry Creek. USACOE, 1995
Chinook Salmon in Putah Creek, Spring 2004
Putah Creek Connectivity Models March 2017, unknown presentation slides with little text
Dietary shifts and behavioral adjustments of North American beaver (Castor canadensis) in a novel California riparian ecosystem. Bartoo, et al. UC Davis, 2018
Sackett Ranch Bird Journal. (historical) Storer, 1925
New and Extralimital Records of Breeding Birds for Putah Creek, CA 1997-2013. Trochet, et al. UCD Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, 2017
AsPublished_Dybala et al. 2018 – Evaluating Riparian Restoration Success Long-term responses of the breeding bird community
Summer vs. winter: Examining the temporal distribution of avian biodiversity to inform conservation. (Putah Creek vs Consumnes River). Dybala et al. UCD Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology, 2015.
Spatiotemporal Patterns in Nest Box Occupancy by Tree Swallows Across North America. Shutler, et al. 2012
2013 Normandeau Electrofishing Report for LPCCC
2015 Normandeau Electrofishing Report for LPCCC
2014 Normandeau Electrofishing Report for LPCCC
Wildlife Survey and Photo
Putah Creek Council